Deploying on Baremetal
This guide will walk you through the process of installing and running BlueDragon software directly on the host machine.
- This guide assumes you’re running on Linux. Other operating systems are not supported; though, you may be able to get it working on WSL.
- You must have Java 21 or later installed on your system and accessible in your
First, clone the source repositories for the server, Puffin, and Komodo.
# You can choose any directory you want. `/work` is just an example.# Make sure you have write access to this directory!mkdir /work && cd /workgit clone clone clone
Next, build each project:
# Servercd /work/Server && ./gradlew build
# Puffincd /work/Puffin && ./gradlew build
# Komodocd /work/Komodo && ./gradlew build
Then, copy the JARs into the appropriate directories:
mkdir -p /run/servermkdir -p /run/proxy/pluginsmkdir /run/puffin
cp /work/Server/build/libs/Server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar /run/server/server.jarcp /work/Komodo/build/libs/Komodo-0.1.0-all.jar /run/proxy/plugins/komodo.jarcp /work/Puffin/build/libs/Puffin-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar /run/puffin/puffin.jar
Download Velocity:
wget -O /run/proxy/velocity.jar
Install some plugins for your Velocity proxy:
wget -O /run/proxy/plugins/luckperms.jarwget -O /run/proxy/plugins/protocolize.jarwget -O /run/proxy/plugins/jukebox.jar
Then, build your games as JAR files and place them in the /run/server/games
directory. For more details on this, see Creating a Game or the Example Game.
The BlueDragon server, proxy, and Puffin require MongoDB and LuckPerms to be installed and running on your system. The easiest way to install these is to use Docker:
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongodocker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e LUCKPERMS_STORAGE_METHOD=mongodb -e LUCKPERMS_DATA_MONGODB_CONNECTION_URI="mongodb://localhost:27017/" -e LUCKPERMS_DATA_DATABASE=luckperms --net host
If you prefer to run them without Docker, you can install them manually:
By default, LuckPerms does not give any permissions to anyone. To give yourself permissions, run the following command in a terminal:
docker run --rm -it -e LUCKPERMS_STORAGE_METHOD=mongodb -e LUCKPERMS_DATA_MONGODB_CONNECTION_URI="mongodb://localhost:27017/" -e LUCKPERMS_DATA_DATABASE=luckperms --net host
Then, when you see the prompt, type in lp user <your username> permission set * true
. This will give you every permission. You may need to log in to the Minecraft server before running this command.
After you change permissions this way, you must restart your standalone LuckPerms instance for the change to take effect.
Puffin reads the following configuration from environment variables:
PUFFIN_DEV_MODE=true # Disable Kubernetes service discovery for Minecraft servers and proxiesPUFFIN_WORLD_FOLDER=/data/worldsPUFFIN_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://localhost:27017PUFFIN_LUCKPERMS_URL=http://localhost:8080PUFFIN_DEFAULT_GAMESERVER_IP=localhostPUFFIN_DEFAULT_PROXY_IP=localhostPUFFIN_GRPC_PORT=50051PUFFIN_GAMESERVER_GRPC_PORT=50052PUFFIN_PROXY_GRPC_PORT=50053
# The amount of milliseconds in between minimum instance checksPUFFIN_INSTANCE_START_PERIOD_MS=5000
In addition, it reads configuration from the following files:
- Buffer config -
- Worlds folder -
These must be present for Puffin to work properly.
First, configure environment variables:
KOMODO_PUFFIN_URI=localhost:50051 # Connect to Puffin on port 50051KOMODO_GRPC_PORT=50053 # Create a gRPC server on port 50053
Komodo (the Velocity proxy plugin) reads the following configuration files:
defines the MOTD:motd.line_1.text=<rainbow>BlueDragon Test<blue>Version this file while the proxy is running should change the MOTD without needing to restart the proxy.
is the image shown in server list pings. This file is optional.
In addition, you must create a forwarding.secret
file in the /run/proxy
folder with your forwarding secret.
To play note block songs, add .nbs
files created with Note Block Studio to the /run/proxy/plugins/bluedragon-jukebox/songs
You should be able to see the songs by typing /play
Finally, change the port that Velocity runs on since 25565
is taken by the Minecraft server. You can do this by starting up Velocity (cd /run/proxy && java -jar velocity.jar
) and letting it create a velocity.toml
file. Then, change the bind
property. Players will connect to your server using this address.
Minecraft Server
BlueDragonMC/Server reads its configuration from environment variables. Follow this guide to set them up.
Here is an example:
BLUEDRAGON_QUEUE_TYPE=IPCBLUEDRAGON_MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://localhost:27017BLUEDRAGON_PUFFIN_HOSTNAME=localhostBLUEDRAGON_PUFFIN_PORT=50051 # The port that Puffin's gRPC server runs onBLUEDRAGON_LUCKPERMS_HOSTNAME=http://localhost:8080BLUEDRAGON_DEFAULT_GAME=lobby # This should correspond a game name found in the `` file in one of your games.BLUEDRAGON_AGONES_DISABLED=true # Agones is disabled without KubernetesHOSTNAME=server-1 # This is the internal name of the Minecraft server. It is used to identify the server to other services, like Velocity and Puffin.PUFFIN_VELOCITY_SECRET=<your velocity secret> # Add your Velocity forwarding secret hereBLUEDRAGON_GRPC_SERVER_PORT=50052 # The port used to create a gRPC server
LuckPerms can be configured using environment variables:
Common Configuration
Both Puffin and the Minecraft server need a /data
mkdir -p /data/worlds
The /data/worlds
directory should be configured as documented here.
Before starting anything else, make sure LuckPerms and MongoDB are running!
Minecraft server:
# Before running, you must export the necessary environment variables from the Configuration section of this guide!cd /run/server/java -jar /run/server/server.jar
Velocity proxy:
# Before running, you must export the necessary environment variables from the Configuration section of this guide!cd /run/velocity/java -jar /run/velocity/velocity.jar
# Before running, you must export the necessary environment variables from the Configuration section of this guide!cd /run/puffin/java -jar /run/puffin/puffin.jar