Before you run BlueDragon’s Docker containers, you must have:
A world folder (in /data/worlds)
A songs folder (in /data/songs, optional)
A file
A file
World folder
The /data/worlds directory should be configured as documented here.
Songs folder
To play note block songs, add .nbs files created with Note Block Studio to a songs directory.
These are mounted into the container at /proxy/plugins/bluedragon-jukebox/songs/.
You should be able to see the songs by typing /play in-game.
Creating a network
Before you start up any containers, you need to create a Docker network to allow containers to communicate with MongoDB without exposing all their ports to the host (i.e. with --net host).
When starting containers, we will use the --network option to add them to this network.
Minecraft Server
By default, LuckPerms does not give any permissions to anyone. To give yourself permissions, run the following command in a terminal:
Then, when you see the prompt, type in lp user <your username> permission set * true. This will give you every permission. You may need to log in to the Minecraft server before running this command.
After you change permissions this way, you must restart your standalone LuckPerms instance for the change to take effect.