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Project Structure

Services and their jobs

BlueDragon is split into a few crucial services:

  • Our Minestom implementation runs all the games.
  • Velocity routes players between game servers and handles features like the Jukebox.
  • Puffin handles all of the coordination and messaging between services. Its main job is managing the player queue and ensuring that a minimum number of game instances are available.
  • MongoDB stores player profile information and permissions.
  • LuckPerms handles player permissions and ranks.


These services need to communicate with each other to perform important tasks like queueing for games, sending players between servers, and handling parties.

We have proto (Protocol buffer) files in a GitHub repository that define our schema, and then we use the Protobuf Gradle plugin to generate Java and Kotlin clients to use across our applications.

Whenever a game server or proxy starts up, it attempts to create a gRPC channel to Puffin. Using the shared schema, they can communicate in a binary format with an automatically-generated client and server.

Learn more about gRPC in their documentation.

ServiceInitiates a Connection WithResponsibilities (and proto file links)
Game ServerAgones Sidecar ContainerServer healthchecks, readiness, and reservations
Game ServerPuffinPlayer tracking, queueing, game state tracking, parties, receiving chat messages
ProxyPuffinSending players, finding available lobbies, discovering game server IPs

gRPC channels are bidirectional, so once a connection is established, messages can flow both ways.