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PlayerResetModule changes some basic attributes about the player when they join the game, to avoid having changes to the player persist in between games.

It is recommended to always use this module to ensure the player always starts in the same state.


The module applies the following effects to the player upon joining the game

  • Change game mode (if the defaultGameMode parameter is set)
  • Clear inventory
  • Reset health/hunger
  • Reset movement speed
  • Clear potion effects
  • Disable flying
  • Stop fire damage
  • Disable glowing
  • Reset XP
  • Clear all tags


Import the module:

import com.bluedragonmc.server.module.minigame.PlayerResetModule

Use the module in your game’s initialize function:

use(PlayerResetModule(defaultGameMode = GameMode.ADVENTURE))

Now, when a player joins the game, the effects listed above will be applied to them. If you ever want to do this manually, you can use the resetPlayer method:

getModule<PlayerResetModule>().resetPlayer(player, gameMode)