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WeatherModule reimplements the vanilla behavior of per-instance weather. It does not implement automatically changing weather, but the weather can be manually set for each instance.


Import the module:

import com.bluedragonmc.server.module.vanilla.WeatherModule

Use the module in your game’s initialize function:

use(WeatherModule(globalRaining = false))

Now, you can use setRaining to set the weather for a specific instance:

getModule<WeatherModule>().setRaining(instance, true)

Alternatively, you can change the value of globalRaining:

getModule<WeatherModule>().setRaining(true) // sets globalRaining to true

If globalRaining is true, it will always be raining for all players in your game, regardless of which instance they are in. If globalRaining is false, the current weather is determined based on the instance the player is in.