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WorldPermissionsModule can prevent the player from placing, breaking, or interacting with blocks in the world.

Block Breaking

Two module parameters have an effect on players’ abilities to break blocks.

  • If allowBlockBreak is false, players will not be able to break any blocks (PlayerBlockBreakEvent will be cancelled).
  • If allowBreakMap is false, players will not be able to break blocks that are included with the map (PlayerBlockBreakEvent will be cancelled). Any player-placed blocks will still be breakable as long as allowBlockBreak is not false.

Block Placing

Two module parameters have an effect on players’ abilities to place blocks.

  • If allowBlockPlace is false, players will not be able to place any blocks (PlayerBlockPlaceEvent will be cancelled).
  • If allowBlockInteract is false, players will not be able to place any blocks (PlayerBlockInteractEvent will be cancelled).

Block Interacting

  • If allowBlockInteract is false, players will not be able to interact with any blocks (PlayerBlockInteractEvent will be cancelled).

Block Exceptions

The module has an exceptions parameter, which is a list of blocks that will be completely ignored by the module. This means the module will not prevent players from placing, breaking, or interacting with any block on the exceptions list. BlueDragon uses this feature to allow beds to be broken in BedWars, even though the rest of the map cannot be removed.


Import the module:

import com.bluedragonmc.server.module.gameplay.gameplay.WorldPermissionsModule

Use the module in your game’s initialize function:

allowBlockBreak = false,
allowBlockPlace = false,
allowBlockInteract = false,
allowBreakMap = false,
exceptions = listOf(Block.OAK_PLANKS)

In this example, no blocks can be placed or broken, except oak planks.

See Also